Top Estate Real Estate offers you a plot on the main road Sofia - Varna near the village of Dobri Dyal, Veliko Tarnovo region, suitable for a car dealership, gas station or restaurant. The property has an area of 4821 sq.m, agricultural land, facing the main road of 75 meters, with the plot itself is flat. The plot is bordered by a Lukoil petrol station and opposite is a dam popular with fishing enthusiasts. Its location is key, as the property is 15 km from the regional town of B. The property is 15 km from the district of Tarnovo and is almost equidistant from Sofia and Varna. Due to the increased traffic around the clock, the property is suitable for a roadside restaurant, car dealership, petrol station, retail outlet, etc. Offer number 3000. We speak English and German.
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