Top Estate Real Estate presents you a brick house with garage in the village of. Radanovo, Polski Trambesh municipality, Veliko Tarnovo region. The village is located 3 km. from the town of Radanovo. The village is located in a distance of 3 km from the town of Polski Trambesh and 40 km from the town of Radanovo. The village is situated in the village of Tramprovskiy Trunnovo, 40 km from Veliko Tarnovo. The village has a kindergarten, a school and a health service. Transportation to nearby towns and villages can be done by buses and wagons. The main house consists of two bedrooms, a vestibule and a closet. On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a bedroom and a cellar. Adjacent to the house is a residential building consisting of living room, kitchen and bathroom. The roof of the residential buildings has been completely renovated and the gutters have been replaced. The yard has an area of 1700 sq. m., and in it there is a garage /31 sq. m/, an outbuilding /116 sq. m/, a well, a fountain and an outdoor toilet. Offer number: 675. We speak English.
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